List Calculations

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wayne Burritt
  • Start date Start date

Wayne Burritt

Hi: I have a spreadsheet with 10 columns and about 200 rows. Each row is a
record. There is a total row in row 201 that performs basic calculations
(like sum, countif, etc.) on the records. What I'd like to be able to do
select filter criteria -- similar to the auto filter or advanced filter
function -- and then have row 201 give me just the results for the filtered
records. Using a pivot table is a little too clumsy because of the numerous
calculations in row 201. Thanks. Wayne
Use SUBTOTAL to perform the same basic calculations on a
filtered list. Excel Help can give more detail. Using
SUBTOTAL to perform functions like COUNTIF requires a
little more formula complexity. Post back with specific
details if you need help for something like COUNTIF.

Atlanta, GA
Thanks Jason, subtotal works fine for most of what I need. But I do need to
use countif -- or something similar -- on a column of data that I can sort
by criteria. It's really pretty simple: I just want to count the numbers
in a column that are >= 0. Then I want to count the numbers in the same
column that are <0. Then I calc a ratio.
Thanks, Wayne