If i use the following method to populate a list box, presumably the info
will be held in an Array, Is it possable to sort this array without having
to resort to placing the contents into a range on another worksheet, sortint
it, then repopulating the list box!
With lBox2
For Each rng In Selection
If rng <> "" Then
For i = 1 To .ListCount
If rng = .List(i) Then Exit For
Next i
If i = .ListCount + 1 Then .AddItem rng
End If
Next rng
End With
will be held in an Array, Is it possable to sort this array without having
to resort to placing the contents into a range on another worksheet, sortint
it, then repopulating the list box!
With lBox2
For Each rng In Selection
If rng <> "" Then
For i = 1 To .ListCount
If rng = .List(i) Then Exit For
Next i
If i = .ListCount + 1 Then .AddItem rng
End If
Next rng
End With