List Box

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I have a form that I would like to creat a list box for a group of fields.
In my main table I have a group of fields that I would like to show up as a
list in a from. I want to be able to select from that list of fields and
save it to a table. Here is my example:

Table Name: Contractor
Field Names: CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5

For each contractor they could have up to 5 diffrent Cost codes. I have
listed these cost codes in the table by a column. What I want is to have one
field on a form to list all of them for that contractor in one box to select

How do I do it?

When you name fields 1, 2, 3, etc., it's a red flag that your tables are not
normalized. I've listed some online resources devoted to this topic, which I
think is the single most important one in relational database design. In
your example, there is a natural one-to-many relationship between a
contractor and his associated cost codes, suggesting the following table

ContID AutoNumber (PK)
ContName Text

CostCodeID AutoNumber (PK)
CostCode Text

ContCostCodeID AutoNumber (PK)
ContID Integer (FK to Contractors)
CostCodeID Integer (FK to CostCodes)

To list the cost codes for the Contractor, use a combo box whose Row Source
is set in the ContractorID AfterUpdate event procedure:

Dim strSQL as String

strSQL = "SELECT ContractorCostCodes.CostID, CostCodes.CostCode " & _
"FROM (ContractorCostCodes " & _
"INNER JOIN Contractors ON ContractorCostCodes.ContID=Contractors.ContID) "
& _
"INNER JOIN CostCodes ON ContractorCostCodes.CostID=CostCodes.CostCodeID;"

With Me![YourComboBox]
.RowSource = strSQL
End With

Set the Bound Column to 1 to save the CostCodeID to the Bound field. The
description of the cost code will appear in the drop-down list and remain
after selection if you set the first ColumnWidth to 0".

Hope that helps.