Agree with Larry, your question is confusing.
If what you have is a multi-column listbox, and what you want to do is refer
to one of the columns of the selected record in a list box, you can do
something like:
Private Sub lst_YourList_Click
strMsg as string
if me.lst_YourList.ItemsSelected <> 1 then Exit sub
strMsg = me.lst_YourList.column(0) & vbcrlf _
& me.lst_YourList.column(1) & vbcrlf _
& me.lst_YourList.column(2)
msgbox strMsg
End if
The listbox (combo box too) has a column property (zero based) that lets you
refer to the various columns that represent the data in your list. Refering
to a particular column allows you to get information directly from the list
rather than having to requery the data for info regarding the selected item.