Hi Tom,
I still can't get your code to work! I get the run time error 1004 "Unable
to get the OLEobjets properties of the worksheet class " message at the "Set
lbox" line
I messed around for ages and finally got the following to work, however, I
am sure your suggestions is the proper way to do it, and I would like to
understand where I am going wrong.
Sub GetVal()
Dim lBox, dePart1
Set lBox = Sheets("Sheet4").ListBoxes("List Box 1")
dePart1 = ""
With lBox
For i = 1 To .ListCount
If .Selected(i) Then
dePart1 = dePart1 & .List(i) & ":::"
End If
Next i
End With
Range("C1") = dePart1
End Sub