I am stumped and need some assistance - PLEASE. New to List Boxes.
I have created two unbound list boxes on an unbound form to use as criteria
for a report. Both list boxes (lboxCategory and lboxSupplier) have two fields
CategoryID and Category and SupplierID and Supplier sorting ascending on
latter fields. The Multi-Select property is set to Extended. I have a
command button cmdPreview that I would like to use to preview the report
after selections are made. I will select two or more choices from each list
box at a time. Can anyone get me started with the code I need to make this
happen? I did see some examples using one list box, but how to do with two
or more list boxes is unclear.
Thank You
I have created two unbound list boxes on an unbound form to use as criteria
for a report. Both list boxes (lboxCategory and lboxSupplier) have two fields
CategoryID and Category and SupplierID and Supplier sorting ascending on
latter fields. The Multi-Select property is set to Extended. I have a
command button cmdPreview that I would like to use to preview the report
after selections are made. I will select two or more choices from each list
box at a time. Can anyone get me started with the code I need to make this
happen? I did see some examples using one list box, but how to do with two
or more list boxes is unclear.
Thank You