List Box Help



On my form I have a subform and a list box. The subform was created from a
query. I am trying to get the List box to bring up the records from the query.
If I highlight one of the records in the List box and then minimize the form
and then open the subform the records appears. If I update the List box
selection the subform does not change have to close it and reopen and then
the records change. Why can't I get the records to appear when the subform is
installed on main form and why can't I get records to update when changing
the list box selection.

Main form name: F-Phone-List
Sub form name: F-Phone-List-SubList
List Box: List0

Jeff L

In your After Update event of the List Box, put


Thanks - But that gives me an error message when on click on List Box that
can not find field name.

Jeff L said:
In your After Update event of the List Box, put

On my form I have a subform and a list box. The subform was created from a
query. I am trying to get the List box to bring up the records from the query.
If I highlight one of the records in the List box and then minimize the form
and then open the subform the records appears. If I update the List box
selection the subform does not change have to close it and reopen and then
the records change. Why can't I get the records to appear when the subform is
installed on main form and why can't I get records to update when changing
the list box selection.

Main form name: F-Phone-List
Sub form name: F-Phone-List-SubList
List Box: List0


Thanks - Got it to work .....

Jeff L said:
In your After Update event of the List Box, put

On my form I have a subform and a list box. The subform was created from a
query. I am trying to get the List box to bring up the records from the query.
If I highlight one of the records in the List box and then minimize the form
and then open the subform the records appears. If I update the List box
selection the subform does not change have to close it and reopen and then
the records change. Why can't I get the records to appear when the subform is
installed on main form and why can't I get records to update when changing
the list box selection.

Main form name: F-Phone-List
Sub form name: F-Phone-List-SubList
List Box: List0

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