List ALL folders and files

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Black
  • Start date Start date

Paul Black

Good afternoon,

I want to be able to list ALL the folders and ALL the files within
those folders.
I found this code which works brilliantly if there are just files on
the directory you specify.
Unfortunately it does not give me the folder names and then the files
within those folders.
Is there any way of adapting the code so it will do this please.
So basically it will list the first folder perhaps in non hyperlinked
black text and then the files within that folder in hyperlinked blue
text, then the second folder etc.

Sub HyperlinksToDirectory()
' Puts hyperlinks to each of the files in a directory of your
' into the active sheet starting at the active cell
Dim stDir As String
Dim stFile As String
Dim R As Range
Set R = ActiveCell
stDir = InputBox("Directory?", , Default:=CurDir())
stFile = Dir(stDir & "\*.*")
Do Until stFile = ""
R.Hyperlinks.Add R, stDir & "\" & stFile, , , stFile
Set R = R.Offset(1)
stFile = Dir()
R.CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=R, order1:=xlAscending, header:=xlNo
End Sub

Thanks in advance,
Maybe if you explain to Chip Pearson in your related thread why you couldn't
get his code to work he might suggest a simple solution (the hyperlinks
could easily be added in).

Peter T