Matt said:
Well I guess I will just install Linux on both of them
then. I cannot afford $200.
I am guessing you mean "I cannot afford $200/license for the two copies of
Windows XP I would need for the two machines I have."
Why would you HAVE to have the same OS on both systems?
I have 6 systems at home. Some are Linux only. Some are XP. Some are
XP/98 dual boots. They all communicate happily with the rest. It's not a
difficult or magical thing.
Windows XP is a great OS. I'm not saying it is better/worse than Linux -
but as you had to ask about the pricing, you must have a reason already not
to go with all Linux (like not knowing Linux well enough or having
applications you need to use on a Windows XP system, etc..) But it does not
have to be the only OS in the house. Mix and match. You obviously have
SOME OS already on said machines, right? Is there some reason one cannot
stay whatever and another be XP?
Perhaps I am just confused and your reasoning was "if I cannot put one
license on all PCs, what is the point" or maybe it was "They all have to be
the same OS or things will go wrong" or maybe "I think I will throw the word
Linux around and see if I cannot troll out some emotions from the fanatics"
or something else I cannot even imagine...
Whatever the case - just call me curious - I'm sure we could get a good
discussion going. It can't be about Windows licensing.. because that is
still the same as always. Sure - it could be about how it is more difficult
to break the licensing agreement. I could get into that. I could be about
how to share files bvetween Windows and Linux. That would be okay. Perhaps
even between different flavors of Windows and then throw in Linux, maybe
Solaris.. Maybe even a BeOS copy or two? That could get interesting.
Anything to explain more why you would make a simplistic post like that on a
public board if not trolling.