I didn't do worth a damn with Knoppix and I can't bother this group for
There is a pot full of ng's for Linux. Can any of you Linux users recommend
one for me?
I got a boot, system check and then ascending blue lines until a ctrl, alt,
esc. Then a, what I assume is their carrot. I remembered somewhere man
man, typed that and got the manual and never got out of it. I found no
demos or programs of any kind. Exit, quit, escape, gotohell, nothing
There is a pot full of ng's for Linux. Can any of you Linux users recommend
one for me?
I got a boot, system check and then ascending blue lines until a ctrl, alt,
esc. Then a, what I assume is their carrot. I remembered somewhere man
man, typed that and got the manual and never got out of it. I found no
demos or programs of any kind. Exit, quit, escape, gotohell, nothing