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i have come across this site because there is a buzz in a
few of the chat roomms i hang out in because some one has
thrown a fly in the ointment at the microsoft web site. Ill
first say I make my living with the help of the Windows OS
i am a little guy helping to fix pc's for sevral small
buisness in my local area. i am primarily a linux user but
i also have 1 windows box (dual boot). I have sold 5 of my
companies on linux, I set up about 10 work stations a
server and a firewall. Everything came up nicely and i got
my check and havent heard from them since except for the
ocational hardware death (theres no money in hardware).
there is no money in selling and maintaining linux pc's my
money comes from spyware infected and virus riddled pc's if
i relied on linux to bring food to my table i would starve.
So i would like to say thank you to microsoft and all the
"Morons" out there for choosing Microsoft XP. And keep the
software bugs comming and please dont fix the problems with
SP2 its making me to much money! :)

Ham radio All THe Way Baby!

Maybe, if there was as many Linux systems out there as there are Windows
systems, the virus writers would be attacking them, too. There's no future
in attacking a minor amount of systems when you can attack the "world" using
Windows. Just a thought!!!


Ambrose F. "Buddy" Morel
(e-mail address removed)

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds
the universe together.
Linux - the Commodore 64 of the freeware OSes.

(That should do it!)

When Linux is worth using on the desktop, it will be MSLinux!
Everything came up nicely and i got
my check and havent heard from them since except for the
ocational hardware death (theres no money in hardware).
there is no money in selling and maintaining linux pc's my
money comes from spyware infected and virus riddled pc's if
i relied on linux to bring food to my table i would starve.
So i would like to say thank you to microsoft and all the
"Morons" out there for choosing Microsoft XP. And keep the
software bugs comming and please dont fix the problems with
SP2 its making me to much money! :)

It seems the problem is that your Linux users are stupid! Are you aware that
roughly 10 new security issues come out for Linux based software each day?
Just today I've received 7 new security issues that were indexed by
Securityfocus today. Care to guess how many were for Windows based software?
1. Sendmail and BIND are probably 2 of the most exploitable programs ever
made. Why? Because of what someone just said, they are widely used. There
are probably 10x as many people running BIND as the MS DNS server, hence why
you rarely hear of exploits on the MS server, but often here of them for
BIND. It has nothing to do with one OS being more stable than the other, it
has to do with people looking more closely for the problems. The more people
running the software, the bigger the impact. Just like a bank robber
wouldn't rob a bank that only has $50 in it, a hacker wouldn't spend months
trying to exploit software that has only a few users. If your users think
"I'm running Linux, therefore I don't need to worry about patches or
upgrading" then they are the "morons" you speak of.

Btw, according to Secunia, a security firm, Red Hat Linux 7.1 has had 97
security reports whereas Windows 2000 Professional has had 68. So again I
say, if people think Linux means they never have to worry about security,
they are a hacker's best friend because their machine is open to anyone who
wants to get in.
I just figured I'd mention, since I posted that last post, another exploit
has been found in BIND.
Do we "MORONS" care what you think ham boy. this is a
board to help people not put them down for running Windows
XP, so if you can help great! if can't SHUT UP!!!, and we
don't care how much money you make or what you owned or
sold, Get this WE DON'T CARE!!!!!!
Great, thanks for disgracing the normally VERY
considerate and helpful population of HAM radio operators
(please see the HAM code of conduct at

For any folks out there that don't know anything about
HAM radio and you read what this guy wrote, do NOT think
that this is the way the VAST majority of HAM's operate.
This guy is a very bad exception, as would be present in
any population or group. HAM radio operators are
typically the ones that volunteer to help in emergency
situations, help the community, help each other and be a
great addition to society.

Your professional reputation has suffered a serious blow
by the extremely immature posting that you have made in
this forum; I'm actually ashamed FOR you. If my business
was one of the companies that you support and I found
that you posted this way I would drop you, quickly, as I
would not want to be associated with someone like this.

You can do yourself a big favor by considering your
actions before you actually carry them out. If you have a
message to convey, there are many ways to do it, I submit
that you have chosen one of the worst ways. Also,
capitalization, grammar, and spelling are not going to
make or break anyone, but it sure makes your post 'look'
bad, even though everyone can understand your opinion.
When you write like this you immediately lose credibility
as you have not taken the minimal amount of time to
correct most of your mistakes. I mean, a few mistakes can
be expected but to riddle your writing with the style
that you have chosen is terrible.

This has all been, of course, my opinion, but it would be
interesting to see an attempt at refuting what I have
mentioned. Oh and, by the way, I love using the Linux
operating system, a few different flavors of it as well!
But then again, that's not what this forum is about, is

I find the MS Anti-Spyware product to be a great addition
to a multiple of tools that I use when responding to
spyware threats. The only issue that I have is one that
has already been mentioned, and that is, when you shut
the product down by right clicking and choosing "Shutdown
Microsoft Antispyware", and then reboot the computer, it
will sometimes re-enable "Real-time Protection" and
sometimes not. I can't seem to isolate how to reproduce
this, it seems random.

Good luck all!
-----Original Message-----
i have come across this site because there is a buzz in a
few of the chat roomms i hang out in because some one has
thrown a fly in the ointment at the microsoft web site.

-snip snip--
M'lud, the defence begins....

Great, thanks for disgracing the normally VERY
considerate and helpful population of HAM radio operators
(please see the HAM code of conduct at

Objection - this is not the HAM opr forum - judging behavioural mores in
this fashion even if my client asserts his membership of the aforesaid HAM
group, whilst the comments are perhaps distressing to some, is clearly
For any folks out there that don't know anything about
HAM radio and you read what this guy wrote, do NOT think
that this is the way the VAST majority of HAM's operate.
This guy is a very bad exception, as would be present in
any population or group. HAM radio operators are
typically the ones that volunteer to help in emergency
situations, help the community, help each other and be a
great addition to society.

M'lud this statement confirms our innocence of any crime - my client is
merely a worthy HAM citizen venting frustrations quite squarely attributed
to the anti-social, rapacious and insanely rationalist petalith (sic) that
has afflicted the wider if not entire community with this unfortunate state
of affairs.
Your professional reputation has suffered a serious blow
by the extremely immature posting that you have made in
this forum; I'm actually ashamed FOR you. If my business
was one of the companies that you support and I found
that you posted this way I would drop you, quickly, as I
would not want to be associated with someone like this.

Members of the jury, my client disavows any such outrageous pretentions of
professional status in a field that patently has such a poor track record of
probity in performing engagements and furthermore has no ability, nay even
interest, of imposing sanctions on miscreant members beyond the clearly
ineffectual 'market forces'.
You can do yourself a big favor by considering your
actions before you actually carry them out. If you have a
message to convey, there are many ways to do it, I submit
that you have chosen one of the worst ways. Also,
capitalization, grammar, and spelling are not going to
make or break anyone, but it sure makes your post 'look'
bad, even though everyone can understand your opinion.
When you write like this you immediately lose credibility
as you have not taken the minimal amount of time to
correct most of your mistakes. I mean, a few mistakes can
be expected but to riddle your writing with the style
that you have chosen is terrible.

M'lud the plaintiff greatly impunes the reputation of my clients parents and
seeks to impose a form political correctness as a means of suppressing free
(abeit derogatory) speech on a subject that is of major significance to my
clients views on advancing mankind.
This has all been, of course, my opinion, but it would be
interesting to see an attempt at refuting what I have
mentioned. Oh and, by the way, I love using the Linux
operating system, a few different flavors of it as well!
But then again, that's not what this forum is about, is

M'lud, again the plaintiff seeks to suppress my clients ability to protelise
in a forum where there is much wailing and gnashing to teeth - surely
freedom of religion (sic) and the expression thereof is still a right my
client should enjoy?
I find the MS Anti-Spyware product to be a great addition
to a multiple of tools that I use when responding to
spyware threats. The only issue that I have is one that
has already been mentioned, and that is, when you shut
the product down by right clicking and choosing "Shutdown
Microsoft Antispyware", and then reboot the computer, it
will sometimes re-enable "Real-time Protection" and
sometimes not. I can't seem to isolate how to reproduce
this, it seems random.

No further questions...the defence rests.