"Linux Sucks"


Subarctic Penguin
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
A very good presentation by Bryan Lunduke in LinuxFest NW (Flash required):


What did the bloke in the audience say..? "I'd just like o add I haven't seen anybody with Windows have these problems"......LOL Nice find thhugh...:thumb::thumb:
Gawd almighty, that reminded me of being at school and trapped in the classroom. Remember those days of being bored as the teacher droned on and on whilst you constantly looked at a clock where the hands never moved?

Well for me watching that was schooldays revisited. The presenter has all the charisma of a wet kipper.

Sorry, I dare say the subject is pertinent and if the contents were condensed perhaps what he said was of some relevance but I just had to exit after about 90 seconds' worth.
floppybootstomp said:
... but I just had to exit after about 90 seconds' worth.



OK, yes, Tex Avery IS more entertaining. And, yes, my being a Linux (-only) user means that I find the issues addressed here more relevant than most. BUT: these are issues that NEW Linux users find difficult.

Great video. I agree Linux Sucks. Here are a few comments from apparently well informed folk who watched the video.

"thank you! i have been saying this for years linux is garbage it’s trash it is worthless and windows 3.1 is better than linux"

"Um, I want to see the slides but I can’t open them in either Keynote ‘09 or Powerpoint for Mac. I’m not a big fan of OOo, anyone care to recommend anything as a viewer, or am I excluded because I happen to not like the available FOSS presentation solution?"

"I tried Linux more then 10 times and all the time I there was a problem with hardware and drivers.

I just can’t understand why Linux people does not set standards for hardware or why they don’t sell they own computers that just works out of the box. Money from the profit could be used for research to improve the product.

I wish they would think less about what to fix but more about how to make Linux to work at least on one computer."

"You also brought up the point that there is not enough practical software such as Photoshop, or good audio and video editors like Pro Tools or Adobe Premiere or even a reasonably good cheap tool for average users."

“Free Software does not suffer a lack of focus. Anyone that thinks it does is just as ignorant as the author. What Free Software lacks is a locked-in market. Apple was in the same boat as Linux until they locked in a large market through their iPod success. Do I even need to mention Microsoft and it’s products?”

"What really sucks about Linux is that none of the problems mentioned are new, and that these are the same talking points of its critics 10 years ago. And the fact is that these problems will never be addressed as long as the distribution system exists."

"This has to be the most intelligent thing I have seen from within the Linux camp. I had actually lost hope that any Linux people had any real intelligence, so thank you for that little sliver of hope."

"The interest in FOSS and Linux was all but eliminated after the dotCom bubble burst, almost a decade ago. There is very little VC going toward FOSS based start ups. There is no market interest, and very little, if any, consumer interest in Linux on the desktop (outside of the crowd that wants toys for free), and there’s no viable incentive (aka money) to attract the thousands of developers needed to fill the gaping canyons in the Linux ecosystem.

The war is over. Linux lost. Get over it.""

"I agree with the presentation especially about the distros. I also favor customization but even 30+ distros is too much. Windows has less than 10 editions, but they got large market share right? Too many distros just makes people confused especially that they are not substantially differentiated as perceived by most users."

- Give it to me a standard setup installation affordable even to my mom.
- Ease of installing new drivers, like on windows.
- Eliminate stupid issues with root privileges when installing new applications from websites or even burning a dvd.

- In short make linux as easy to use for the daily work as windows is."

"Yes, it does suck…. but you get what you pay for right?"

The emperor has no clothes. I doubt the Linux community as a whole is mature enough to realize this fact, but it’s good to see that there are some sensible people who do not believe the myths and the delusional claims that Linux fanboys make up all the time."

"WOW. Linux does suck. About time u guys figured that out.

Go buy a copy of Vista and upgrade your peice of crap Linux box so you can run some real software. Not some half-baked still working out the bugs junk that comes with Linux. Yes, this is very true and u know it.

And I swear one of you will start Windows blah blah.

Redmond is not evil I know I live there. (No I do not work at M$)

Windows runs circles around your low end bubble gum sticky back tape OS."

"what sucks is your flash video player. it consumes several times CPU compared to youtube- almost impossible to watch on 600MHz netbook and definitely impossible to watch on a 250MHz smartphone."

The last two comments really made me laugh.

Urmas said:

t. BUT: these are issues that NEW Linux users find difficult.


Where did you get that picture of me..? I thought it had been taken off the net....?? :p
I nstalled Linux Mint last night and i'm finding it easy...I jst sat back and let it do its own thing..Updated a few things and away we go..When I fisrt downloaded the ISO and installe it a few months back I was a bit erm weery (cr*p spelling) but I suppose it was cause it was something new...
Fingers crossed I get the hang of Mint and stay with it...:thumb:
floppybootstomp said:


My favourite Jaques Brel song as interpreted by Alex harvey

(oops, sorry, wrong thread ;) )

Urmas may be right in that the content is valuable but you are dead on the nail, the presenter sucks as a presenter.

Alex Harvey now there is a name from the past, ta.

I would just like to say that my post 6 was in answer to post 4 and not post 5.

Got me? Good :)

Urmas, I think Jaques Brel is brilliant, ahead of his time and a truly gifted artist.

Up there with Hunter S Thompson, Kerouac and the rest :thumb:

I've watched most of his stuff on Youtube, inc Next.

Now, this whole OS debate.

There are those who blindly follow and champion and there are those who step back, think, consider and judge.

I am in the latter category.

Reading the comments Abarbarian posted above, I sometimes despair for the human race. It seems that some people actually get what they deserve and them paying £100.00 for an OS might seem like rough justice ;)

Myself, I haven't been entirely comfortable with an OS since DOS 6.22. And I'm not entirely joking when I say that.

Just give me a good fps on three floppies and a copy of Word Perfect and I'm happy ;)
floppybootstomp said:
I would just like to say that my post 6 was in answer to post 4 and not post 5.

Got me? Good :)
Uhh... yeah, OK. Got it. :D


Urmas, I think Jaques Brel is brilliant, ahead of his time and a truly gifted artist.

Up there with Hunter S Thompson, Kerouac and the rest

I've watched most of his stuff on Youtube, inc Next.
You know, I've listened Brel for 30 years. But seeing the live performances on YouTube... man, what a performer!

I sometimes despair for the human race.
Stupidity is a renewable resource.

floppybootstomp said:
Myself, I haven't been entirely comfortable with an OS since DOS 6.22. And I'm not entirely joking when I say that.

Just give me a good fps on three floppies and a copy of Word Perfect and I'm happy ;)




  • challenges.webp
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floppybootstomp said:
There are those who blindly follow and champion and there are those who step back, think, consider and judge.

I am in the latter category.
Attaboy! :D Now read this:
Kay claims that 95% of people are 'instrumental reasoners' and the remaining 5% 'are interested in ideas':

"an instrumental reasoner is a person who judges any new tool or idea by how well that tool or idea contributes to his or her current goal. He goes onto talk about reward/motivation and says that 85% of people are 'outer motivated' versus 15% 'inner motivated'."

Most people (~80%) fall into the 'outer motivated instrumental reasoners' group. These people won't pick up an idea if other people aren't doing it. Which seems like a very wise evolutionary group tactic - if a little safe. Kay, in his ACM talk, uses a contagion or forest fire model to demonstrate/claim that around 66% of a population is needed to achieve 'ignition'. To hit the tipping point where 'everyone is doing it' and the new idea takes over.
Why Users Aren't Moving to Linux


It is true I tried Linux and it SUCKS ! even the Penguins know this fact.


God bless the USA homeplace of the modern motor car and Windows.


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Urmas said:

My reasoning why people aren't moving to Linux:

1) Limited games.

2) At some stage a user will have to use text commands and will need to know exactly what to enter.

3) It's really easy to mess it up (see # 2)

4) And oddly enough, because it's free, including many software aps to rival MS Office and Photoshop.

It's strange that people just don't think anything's any good unless they've paid for it.

Are we really such a consumer-oriented society? It would appear so.