Linux ... sucks at Windows ;-)


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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My new desktop pick ...


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Dam ... now I'll need another Desktop.

:D :thumb:
Haha, now those are good :D

Honestly, you Windows haters ;)
Ian Cunningham said:
Haha, now those are good :D

Honestly, you Windows haters ;)
I don't hate Windows ... I just don't use it ... and I can visit ALL those "sites" and not be bothered. :p

im not a huge fan of windows but linux is to damn complicated (for me anyway) so im stuck with it
I'm getting used to simple Linux stuff now, some things seem much easier - whereas many things seem so much harder to "just work" than windows.

Ah well, nothings perfect :D
Linux is NOT Windows. ;)

I will admit it ain't easy ... but then, nor was DOS, Win3.1, 95, 98 or ME ... though one got a little more familiar with every encarnation of Windows ... Linux? Google has the answers.

I never ever thought I would be using Linux ... hehe, and not for this length of time either. :p

Even Floppy is "getting there" and we Old Codgers ain't getting any younger ... It gets easier everytime, just as Windows did. You have to "learn" something new ... I must admit there are only a few "basics" to learn with SuSE 10 and there is no stopping me now. Get the basics in your head and it is very easy, well Suse makes it so.

OK, I am only scratching the surface, and my particular needs are simple, but it's fun to be different. :D

One of the worst aspects are 'manufatures' that just ignor you ... :rolleyes:

:D :thumb: :cool:
muckshifter said:
One of the worst aspects are 'manufacturers' that just ignore you ... :rolleyes:

You're absolutely right there and it's really quite annoying.

I was looking at printers and very few came with a Linux driver. It wasn't manufacturer specific either, all makes had some printers with a Linux driver, some without. Neither was it price specific.

From looking at lots and lots of printers, it would appear Brother offer the best support.

I haven't looked at Scanners yet but this whole issue made me realise there's something else I have to consider when buying hardware or peripherals.

And when it comes to video cards, no contest, Nvidia offer the best support and win hands down.

Suse 10 really does make things quite easy, once you get used to Yast. In fact, within Suse 10, it's easier to update the system than it is with Windows, and everything, from Kernel updates to video card drivers, is done automatically, just with a couple of clicks.

So far, only konsole commands I've had to make were to get get UT2004 installed and patched.

As for desktops, I have two, the standard green gecko (which I really like) and the UT2004 logo. I'm using the 'Storm' graphics/windows/fonts setting within KDE, it's purple and light grey :)

It would be a good idea to have a thread exclusively devoted to harware where you two can update list of all important hardware that members may find useful when planning to upgrade or switch to Linux. Especially if youget new stuff which is not yet verifiable on any lists. What you say?

PS Anyone else who uses Linux can also join in
Not a bad idea Quad.

I did forget to mention, however, that with distros like Suse, there is actually a huge list of printers that are supported.

If you have an older printer, chances are you could be Ok and it's supported, I was looking at new models.

And my Brother HL2030 mono laser printer works just fine with the HL2060 drivers supplied with the distro.

I couldn't, however, get a 3 year old Canon S750 colour inkjet printer to work well at all (so I gave it away, lol).
... and there is a whole lists of 'compatable' Linux hardware out there already.

For what we are doing with Linux Suse is great ... for Ian and a Linux server, well that is a different kettle of fish.

I know that Suse "just worked" with my older PC ... I could not get Mandriva to stay stable, not tried it yet on this new kit. That is another 'contention' with Linux, what Distro will work for you?

Anyway, my list would be quite short ... but you do need a nVidia graphics card to start off with. :D
Quadophile said:
My Matrox works fine with any Linux distro:p
ah, but that is because some bright spark wrote Linux drivers for it ... :p

Now wouldn't it be nice if the manufacturer did that for you ... as they do with Windows. ;)

I remember Win3.1 and the feasco when 95 came along ... nope, sorry sir, you need 95 drivers and there are none. You have to buy a new one, that has the 95 drivers. :D

Christ, we are seeing it today with 64bit ... no drivers in Windows. :rolleyes:

The Matrox G400 was the first vga board for me when I first decided to build the system for myself. It is still supported by Matrox not just for Linux but Windows too, their drivers have never given me problems, it still works like a charm and gives wonderful service. Photo editing cannot be better. I have yet to come across a better 2d rendition in any vga card. I have seen and used many.

6 years and still working! This is the only component which kept migrating to new machines as I upgraded (3 times)
I've installed Mandriva 2006 to a seperate hard disk (an old IBM 20Gb Deskstar, I'm using a swappable disk caddy).

It's running Ok, but I haven't spent time with it yet.

This is on an old Asrock board, only has AGP x 4, CPU is XP2400 (2 Ghz), memory is 2 x Corsair XLS 256Mb PC2700.

Video card is XFX Nvidia 5700LE, 128Mb version.

I've been spending all my Linux time with Suse 10 - I really like it - and haven't got around to messing with Mandriva yet.
christopherpostill said:
Ah the 5700LE... good card... does it overclock like the PNY?

Not sure, don't know how much the PNY one overclocks :p

But yes, it overclocks, stays stable and cool, very well.

When I was using it in Win XP I used the Nvidia reg hack to enable overclocking and this card ran as fast as it's bigger brothers faultlessly.

A nice little card for sure :)