Linux rescue disks for Windows repair


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
Excellent article for some who like to keep their operating systems healthy and running all the time!

Linux to the rescue
Did you read the entire article about Windows way of doing it? Nothing but constraints! ;)

Linux is simple and straight forward and one disk works on all unlike exclusive disks that you need to make for each windows.:eek:
I do note that the Windows link is dated 2007 and is written with only Win XP in mind, a Windows OS that is coming up for a decade old and which has been superceded by two Windows' OS's.

I wonder would this disk work with Win 7?

This whole 'argument' this whole bottom line comes down to this:

Windows was created to make Billy Boy rich and it's source code is as jealously guarded as the goose's golden egg. To keep the golden egg's status pristine it's owner will use whatever means possible, legal and illegal, to preserve it. In it's favour it's relatively easy for the average human being with just a smattering of intelligence to understand the veneer that is the Windows' GUI.

Linux was created by one guy who thought he could shape |Unix into something to realistically rival Windows. At this point in time his dream is getting closer but it's still not all the way home. Linux distros are created, written, run and constantly modified by a worldwide network of souls who don't necessarily put their share values first but are driven by a desire, a passion, a keeness if you will, to perfect a free open source operating system.

Trouble is, Linux ain't so easy to use and it's positively crap at running most games.

And there we have it.

The choice is yours.

Fanboys from both sides will distort, cajole, bend the rules, lie, and on occasion spout absolute bull doo-doo about their preferred Operating System, much of which, incredibly, is probably true.

I use both. I have absolutely no loyalty at all to Windows, I see it as an almost neccessary evil. It works, it's flawed, it's fun but there's an underlying evil which cannot be denied. And a helluva lots of lies and deception.

Linux on the other hand is free, it works, it's stable but should a typical user step outside the boundaries of a Linux Distro package they are going to have to do some homework. The homework, however, is mostly fairly simple and there is a lot of support.

Windows, the dark Side, lol, is still easier at this moment in time.

And if Linux users want to game, best bet is an Xbox 360; PS3 or Wii-Wii.

Well, that's how I see it anyway.

Myself, I favour Linux, to me it just has so much more of a feelgood factor than Microsoft's offering and at this stage in time it is at long last working for me.

And if you're wondering how Linux distributors survive, the bigger boys such as Red Hat/Fedora may give free distros to private users but they charge for commercial versions of their software and do so because they know it works and is more stable and less prone to attacks than Windows' commercial software.

Well, that's how I see it anyway, comments welcome :)

That is one response I immensely respect,
you were nothing but fair in your approach in stating what you said about both OS. I have nothing more to add.