Linux Music Workflow: Switching from Mac OS X to Ubuntu with Kim Cascone


Subarctic Penguin
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
For Sir Flops:

Here’s a switcher story of a different color: from the Mac, to Linux. It’s one thing to talk about operating systems and free software in theory, or to hear from died-in-the-wool advocates of their platform of choice. In this case, we turn to Kim Cascone, an experienced and gifted musician and composer with an impressive resume of releases and a rich sens of sound. This isn’t someone advocating any platform over another: it’s an on-the-ground, in-the-trenches, real-world example of how Kim made this set of tools work in his music, in the studio and on tour. A particular thanks, as he’s given me some new ideas for how to work with Audacity and Baudline. Kim puts his current setup in the context of decades of computer work. Even if you’re not ready to leave Mac (or Windows) just yet, Kim’s workflow here could help if you’re looking to make a Linux netbook or laptop more productive in your existing rig.

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Urmas said:

Why do you aim that at me?

Am I to assume I am now viewed as the Forum's chief anti-Linux protagonist?

I have repeatedly tried to explain this is not so.

Unlike most advocates of one particular operating system things aren't as black and white to me as they are to other members of this forum. I don't wave flags, I observe, I try, I deduce then I make a real decision free of bias.

And if it upsets certain sensibilities that I always tell it as I see it then I'm afraid that's tough :)

Was this article meant to impress me? Or perhaps merely interest me? I think impress was more like....

Unlike other folk viewing matters/Linux/Win/Mac I don't see it as a battle but rather as something constantly evolving and worthy of debate. I do not look to score points.

I note the article refers to the musician as "an experienced and gifted musician and composer with an impressive resume of releases and a rich sens(sic) of sound".

Who he then? I never heard of him. Do I sense some bias on the author's part? I think I do :)

If the software within Linux worked for this geezer and it does the job he wishes it to do and it does it well, I'm pleased. It's a win-win situation all round.

These instances are worth mentioning and applauding as well, I'd love to see more people using open source software.

But I do not need it forcibly pointed out to me to try and convince me, no. In fact, to a degree, I'm already convinced.

The difference between me and most Linux advocates is that I will also point out the ugly bits, and that, really, is about it.
floppybootstomp said:
Why do you aim that at me?

Am I to assume I am now viewed as the Forum's chief anti-Linux protagonist?

Eh? Assumption is the mother of... you know...

No. I assumed :p that one of your interests is music.


As for the geezer... I've never heard of him either. Not my cuppa, it seems:

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