Linux Fonts SUCK ... how to go blind in a day

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I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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I am being driven blind by Linux Browser Fonts ... and I am sick to the teeth of everybody telling me I should use CTRL + ... are you frigging blind also? ... have you got your head so far up your, you know where, that you can't see your nose on your face. Has ANYBODY got an answer?

Have you ever noticed what a royal pain in the ass it is to get fonts working on Linux that do not look like complete crap? On Windows it's a non-issue. On Mac OS X it's all quite amazing out of the box. But for some reason, having the X Window System on your desktop means that fonts must suck.

Here's a great example--a web browser. I want web pages to look decent on my Linux box. It's not asking a lot, is it? They don't have to look exactly as the "designer" intended, just nice. I have all high-resolution LCD displays at home. I run relatively modern graphics cards (or chipsets in the case of the notebooks) and nearly the latest release of X. Yet it's still a complete mystery to me.
... and me.

Notice the date on that ... well I have aslo tried, in vain, to get some sore of readability and I aint getting nowhere.
Linux is not ready for the desktop.

Why not? Fonts, that's why.

I concur ... anyboy want to argue with me ... then post a sensible reply. ;)

[/mucks rant off]

Now how about a chorus of "Gentle Jesus meek and mild" for Mucks before he finally blows a gasket?:mad:

Only kidding Mucks, I would have given up way before this if I were trying to install any flavour of Linux!

May be we should nominate you for sainthood or something;)
CITech said:
Now how about a chorus of "Gentle Jesus meek and mild" for Mucks before he finally blows a gasket?:mad:

Only kidding Mucks, I would have given up way before this if I were trying to install any flavour of Linux!

May be we should nominate you for sainthood or something;)
oh baby, I aint no saint, and not dead yet either.

It's becoming a 'fight' ... ME v 'IT' ... and I have the secret weapon ... reformat, HAHAHAHA, *insert evil smilie* ... see how 'IT' likes that one then.


For a PC user my needs are simple ... but I NEED to read what I'm doing. ;)
Looks fine to me....... using linux...... took a shot of this thread using Suse 9.2 and the current version of firefox.......

Large image 340+ kbs

Edit: Here is my firefox settings.......
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So does it not allow Tahoma, Arial, Verdana etc... from Windows standard fonts?
usalug said:
Just tryin to help dude ;)
I aint no dude, pal.
I have more Fonts than you have hot dinners, one thing I know about are Fonts. It is easy enough to install fonts in Linux without any Konsole

FF & Linux do not render them correctly ...
Unfortunately a few applications do not support Truetype. If your truetype fonts work with all other applications but are not even shown in some others, this might be the case. There is very little to do other than try to find a more recent version of the product.
FF is one of them.

Ian, I can install any font I own, EUL accepted, but using Tahoma, as most IE sites do, as a default, means I, and no doubt many other, see a ragged load of garbage. Sorry, no offence.

I have poor eyesight anyway, spend too much time behind a monitor does not help, and I can assure you I have read too many RTFMs to see if someone with a better sugestion ...

This is the best I have found ...
Change Proportional to Sans Serif.
Change Sans-serif to Verdana (if you're using Linux, try Bitstream Vera Sans instead).

Change Monospace to Andale Mono (if it's on your system; if you're using Linux, try Bitstream Vera Sans Mono instead).

Press OK to close the Fonts & Colors window.

It works the best, but not perfect.

Just to clear one thing up ... I have no problems with ANY fonts in the Linux desktop, it is very good, as good as, if not better, than the other OS. ;)

I need to drop FF and learn how to use Konqueror, at least it looks better.
usalug said:
FWIW Muckshifter:
and if my posts are offending you..... perhaps I'll just leave you alone from now on.....

dude (plural dudes)

  1. (slang) A man.
  2. (slang; used in the vocative) A term of address for a man. Relax, dude.
  3. (archaic) A dandy, a man who is very concerned about his dress and appearance
I'm no 'dandy' and that is what I saw the word to mean ... it is a posh 'slang' word for a ponce where I come from. meaning shirt lifter, homo, shall I go on?

If you havent got anything "constructive" to offer, then please... leave me alone.

posting me a picture of your "default" FF font settings was err, not very helpful ...

posting a link to outdated data was not very helpful

You can write scripts in Linux, great ... but not very helpful when sombody went to use one and finds the writer (you) just says ... "tuff I did warn you, it was only meant our team anyway" ... not very Linux spirited is it?

Sorry, I don't find your help at all helpful

You take me as you find me or you leave me where you found me.
muckshifter said:
Sorry, I don't find your help at all helpful

Then I won't bother trying too anymore muckshifter.... simple as that. Goodbye.
Oh well, another linux bigot gone.

Mucks, I agree with you, there is still alot of room for improvement. Linux fonts are ok, the rendering of them is what kills them.

Now talking with my firend, we kind of concluded that the renderer seems to have bigger problems with lcd type displays, as if you define it all for a crt with correct timings, that they are sharp and not fuzzy. I am quessing it is the fuzziness of the fonts that is getting to you, it bothers the living hell out of me, and I have decent eyesight for now.

Now since my laptop is what I use the most for linux, I decided to experiment.
My display is in the list as an ibm thinkpad 1024x768 tft display.
So I tried some experimenting. I set ti to a p72 (17" monitor) and set the diagonal to 14.1 from the list of display sizes (the real size of the display). I used the timing ranges from the lcd definition. there was a setting for aspect, and I changed that also. seems that you need to restart the x server to see the changes, I rebooted to be sure it picked up the full change. (I think it defaults to a 4/3. I tried a few others and that seemed to help).
Or you can also usually input the exact horizontal and vertical sizes of the display in mm, If I had a ruler at the time, I would have preferred that as it would likely have been more accurate.
that really cleaned up the fonts, and changing the default font in firefox helped to clear that up.
Still not perfect but acceptably clear now.

I'm not a bigot.... thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm just going to stay out of muckshifters threads from now on..... I'll be around once in awhile. Did I **** in your wheaties today also ??? WTF ? So I like linux, and promote it every chance I get..... sue me. I also help every chance I get... I created to help people. Did you notice, there are NO banner ads there ? I do it because I like helping people, somehow, today, seems like it's a futile effort here.....

I don't remember calling YOU any names tjm4fun. Is this the type of postings I should expect here from now on ? Seems like you try to help a fair number of people with linux at bitbender.... does that make YOU a bigot ???? Guess I don't get it fellas.
You can both stop right here ... :mad:

tjm4fun, uncalled for name calling will get you a suspension :mad:

usalug, personally I'm getting a little fed-up with your FREE promotions of YOUR site ... is it not enough for you that PCReview allows you to keep a link in your sig without you having to post another advert at every opertunity. Kindy cease the practice or face a ban for spamming.

If you don't like what I say or how I say it ... fine, you know where the exit is ... don't slam the door on the way out.

Thanks for the HELP everybody ... thread now CLOSED before we start a slaging match
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