Linux Desktop Demonstration Videos


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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A preview of Novell Linux Desktop 10 (NLD10) was shown to an audience at the Solutions Linux conference this week in Paris. We have a selection of videos which display a variety of amazing effects through the use of XGL, including transparency, wobbling windows, desktop zooming, a 3D Cube for desktop switching, and a task switcher which displays a preview of windows.

Did you know Linux is FREE ... ;)

Got a chance to see those demo's yesterday..really neat stuff..i really like the window wobbling effect..also the way they rap real time video around that cube is amazing.Exciting times ahead for us linux users...come on you windows using guys and gals join the penguin know you want too...:)
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The Streaming Flash technology is very good because the movies are nowadays play method is by this, these are like opensource products and free to use in any platform thanks to the tech
I would love to use linux, but the games I have won't install on linux...wish Suse would come up with a way of doing that...
Madchatthew said:
I would love to use linux, but the games I have won't install on linux...wish Suse would come up with a way of doing that...
It has nothing to do with Suse, or Linux ... blame the game writers for not programing for Linux. ;)
