Linq To Xml request



Hi all,

I tryed to create a linq2xml request, but I wasn't able to.

Can someone help me ?

Here's the xml

<date start="12/07/2008" end="31/08/2008">
<date start="01/09/2008" end="31/08/2009">

I want to have an object that looks like this

myObject.thing => collections of string with values {"abc", "def"}
myObject.otherthing => collections of string with values {"ghi",

this values are loaded, because DateTime.Now is between 'start'
attribute and 'end' attribute

Thanks in advance for any help

Best regards

Martin Honnen

<date start="12/07/2008" end="31/08/2008">
<date start="01/09/2008" end="31/08/2009">

I want to have an object that looks like this

myObject.thing => collections of string with values {"abc", "def"}
myObject.otherthing => collections of string with values {"ghi",

Here is a sample query:

XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(@"..\..\XMLFile1.xml");
var query =
from date in doc.Root.Elements("date")
select new
thing = (from value in
select (string)value).ToList(),
otherthing = (from value in
select (string)value).ToList()
foreach (var item in query)
Console.WriteLine("things: {0}; other things: {1}",
item.thing.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b),
item.otherthing.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b));

Output is

things: abc, def; other things: ghi, jkl
things: mno, pqr; other things: stu, vwx

If you want to filter on the date and only output the first value then
found then the following might be what you are looking for:

XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(@"..\..\XMLFile1.xml");

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
var item =
(from date in doc.Root.Elements("date")
where DateTime.Parse(date.Attribute("start").Value) <
now &&
DateTime.Parse(date.Attribute("end").Value) > now
select new
thing = (from value in
select (string)value).ToList(),
otherthing = (from value in
select (string)value).ToList()
Console.WriteLine("things: {0}; other things: {1}",
item.thing.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b),
item.otherthing.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b));


Great !!

A very big thank you, I hope I can do this a day too :)

Best regards

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