Chuck P
I have a table called Personnel.
I would like to have a property in the created object Table that is not in
the physical SQL table.
For example a field like IsEligibleForRetirement.
I saw I could use sprocs for Insert/Update/Delete on the objectTable created
that I could add a method to the context object that returns a objectTable.
What is the best way to add a property to the object table so that is loaded
from a sproc on a select? Also if the table had keys to look-up tables,
would they still be automatically mapped in LINQ queries? For example in
Personnel you have EthnicID and the lookup table lutEthnicities has
(EthnicID, EthnicDescription).
var query= from a in ctx.Personnel
select new {LastName, EthnicDescription,
I would like to have a property in the created object Table that is not in
the physical SQL table.
For example a field like IsEligibleForRetirement.
I saw I could use sprocs for Insert/Update/Delete on the objectTable created
that I could add a method to the context object that returns a objectTable.
What is the best way to add a property to the object table so that is loaded
from a sproc on a select? Also if the table had keys to look-up tables,
would they still be automatically mapped in LINQ queries? For example in
Personnel you have EthnicID and the lookup table lutEthnicities has
(EthnicID, EthnicDescription).
var query= from a in ctx.Personnel
select new {LastName, EthnicDescription,