Linq to Sql custom property

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chuck P
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Chuck P

I have a table called Personnel.
I would like to have a property in the created object Table that is not in
the physical SQL table.
For example a field like IsEligibleForRetirement.

I saw I could use sprocs for Insert/Update/Delete on the objectTable created
that I could add a method to the context object that returns a objectTable.

What is the best way to add a property to the object table so that is loaded
from a sproc on a select? Also if the table had keys to look-up tables,
would they still be automatically mapped in LINQ queries? For example in
Personnel you have EthnicID and the lookup table lutEthnicities has
(EthnicID, EthnicDescription).

var query= from a in ctx.Personnel
select new {LastName, EthnicDescription,

Hi Chuck,

From your description, it seems you're wantting to do some customization on
the default generated Linq context class and the query statement it uses,

Based on my research, I've found a good article on Scott's blog which has
introduced something about custoimze the linq classes:

#LINQ to SQL (Part 8 - Executing Custom SQL Expressions)

Hope this helps.


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I ended up
extending a property on the object table,
writing a select sproc that returns the table with the additional field.
specifing the upd, ins, del, sprocs to use in the class.

Seems strange that the object table lets you specify upd, del, ins, but not