I have a linq query that I want to return from a function. What would
be the type I return and how do I grab the data from the function.
Dim col = (From TBLContactData In ctx.TBLContactData _
Join TBLCompanyContacts In ctx.TBLCompanyContacts On
TBLCompanyContacts.CompanyContactID Equals
TBLContactData.TBLCompanyContacts.CompanyContactID _
Order By TBLContactData.ContactDataID _
Select ContactDataID = TBLContactData.ContactDataID)
be the type I return and how do I grab the data from the function.
Dim col = (From TBLContactData In ctx.TBLContactData _
Join TBLCompanyContacts In ctx.TBLCompanyContacts On
TBLCompanyContacts.CompanyContactID Equals
TBLContactData.TBLCompanyContacts.CompanyContactID _
Order By TBLContactData.ContactDataID _
Select ContactDataID = TBLContactData.ContactDataID)