Linksys WAG160N Mac compatible

Aug 15, 2006
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Hello all
Quick question - looking to upgrade our frankly awful Edimax rrouter for something that can actually beam wifi through a wall. After looking at the PC Pro labs test they recommend the Linksys WAG160N.

Looks like it has great performance and is really reasonably priced. Just wanted to ask a quick question before splashing the cash.

I'll be wired in via ethernet with a Windows XP PC. My wife uses a Mac Powerbook which she wants to connect wirelessley with. In the specs, though, the Linksys says only Windows XP/Vista compatible.

I'm pretty sure it'll work for her Mac, but just wanted to check...
I may have made bit of a schoolboy error here...
I went ahead and bought the Linksys WAG160N. Went to plug it in and errr - realised it was a cable router and I have TalkTalk coming through a BT line. ADSL (i think).
Can this be sovled with a mere cable, or am I gonna need to buy a new ADSL router.
Do you have a link to the exact product you bought, as it looks like an ADSL router to me? :)