Links on web pages won't open in IE6.



My wife and I log onto our XP pc as seperate users, when
I log on and use IE I can navigate with no problems. My
wife however cannot link thru on any page. She can open
pages from her favorites menu but non of the links on any
of the pages will work. Any suggestions? Thanks

Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion®

You may want to ask her if she is using HTML or text only - Why didn't I
think of that...? seperate users or Separate Users?

Tap the F1 key now. Search on - text only

Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion® - Man's mind, once stretched by a new
idea, never regains its original dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

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Ramesh [MS-MVP]

1. Click [Start] [Run] type:
(Press Enter after each command)
Regsvr32 /i URLMON.DLL
Regsvr32 /i shdocvw.dll
Regsvr32 oleaut32.dll
Regsvr32 actxprxy.dll

2. Restart Windows
3. Open IE [Tools] [Internet Options] [Programs] [Reset Web Settings]

If this does not help, run this fix:

Manual procedure: (Microsoft Knowledge article link)


Ramesh (MS-MVP)
(e-mail address removed)

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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My wife and I log onto our XP pc as seperate users, when
I log on and use IE I can navigate with no problems. My
wife however cannot link thru on any page. She can open
pages from her favorites menu but non of the links on any
of the pages will work. Any suggestions? Thanks

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