Links in posts

TriplexDread said:
How do you do the hyper text link short cut thing?

Save copy and pasting into thread

You've lost me there I'm afraid, you mean how do you make a link within a post? :)
Instead of copying and pasting the whole link into a thread

You would for example put is as

Go see HERE

The HERE being the link instead of a massive link
In the full reply screen, highlight the word you want and click this button:


Then paste in the link :thumb:
Just tryed that on a recent thread still the same thing

And it would let me change the title of the link no option :confused:
Try highlighting the word you want linked and press CTRL+K? Does it still do the same thing?
type the text you want to make the link

like this

then highlight it and click the icon iain said, enter the url in the box and your done