Links folder



Hi all,

just a really silly question but its bugging me.
My links folder I have a lot of links in there and I want
the to be listed a - z now most of them are but a few
random ones are all listed out of order near the end and
when I move them into the alpha list the next time I open
IE they are back at the bottom out of order, now they
dont contain any weird characters just the normal site
names. Any ideas on how I can get this to stop happening?
Like I even loaded the actual links folder from my hd and
did an auto arrange ny name. incase you need it Im using
IE6 with XP home.

Thnx all


Thnx Don

its not that many but suddenly they have stayed in a - z
format. I think its because I opened the side bar rather
than the drop down menu to do it this time. Thnx for that
info though, I already use folders for my many other
links. :)


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