my friend's email is thru gmail. she has a links button (looks like chain
links) that she uses to provide links to websites *without* showing the
website address. it simply highlights a word she has typed and the mail
recipient clicks on that word to go to the website. i think several words (a
phrase) can be highlighted as well as just one word. so she might say,
'click here for more info' and the word *here* will be highlighted and
contains the link. does windows vista mail have this feature? i cannot find
links) that she uses to provide links to websites *without* showing the
website address. it simply highlights a word she has typed and the mail
recipient clicks on that word to go to the website. i think several words (a
phrase) can be highlighted as well as just one word. so she might say,
'click here for more info' and the word *here* will be highlighted and
contains the link. does windows vista mail have this feature? i cannot find