H Horváth Szilárd Dec 20, 2008 #1 Hi, I'd like to know, how can I add LinkLabel to CheckedListBox or ListBox or ListView? Hoszi
M Michael Nemtsev [MVP] Dec 21, 2008 #2 Hello Horváth, Google is your friend http://bytes.com/groups/net-vb/379983-how-add-linklabel-listbox --- WBR, Michael Nemtsev [Microsoft MVP] :: blog: http://msmvps.org/blogs/laflour :: http://twitter.com/laflour "Tis nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so" (c) W.Shakespeare HS> Hi, HS> HS> I'd like to know, how can I add LinkLabel to CheckedListBox or HS> ListBox or ListView? HS> HS> Hoszi HS>
Hello Horváth, Google is your friend http://bytes.com/groups/net-vb/379983-how-add-linklabel-listbox --- WBR, Michael Nemtsev [Microsoft MVP] :: blog: http://msmvps.org/blogs/laflour :: http://twitter.com/laflour "Tis nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so" (c) W.Shakespeare HS> Hi, HS> HS> I'd like to know, how can I add LinkLabel to CheckedListBox or HS> ListBox or ListView? HS> HS> Hoszi HS>
H Horváth Szilárd Dec 22, 2008 #3 Hello! I must to set the autosize = true and the linklabel.top & left property to the rows and now working fine. Thank You!
Hello! I must to set the autosize = true and the linklabel.top & left property to the rows and now working fine. Thank You!