There's nothing obvious in the code you posted. Jeff's guess about
formatting could be applicable, even if he misinterpreted the code. For
example, it may not be an explicit font that causes the problem, but
changing the font color to something other than black. But without doing
some time-consuming trial and error, an inexperienced eye can't really say
for sure.
It's possible someone with a lot of experience using that particular
control would know off the top of their head the answer. But it's also
just as possible that out of context, there's no way to answer the
question at all. It is not necessarily the case that the problem can be
found in that particular code that initializes the control.
All that said, you can easily test the theory: just copy the
initialization for the control that works to the one that doesn't and vice
a versa, and see if the behavior changes for each. If not, then you need
to look elsewhere.
If you want specific help here, you need to post a concise-but-complete
code example that reliably reproduces the problem. Of course, since this
is not a Compact Framework-specific newsgroup, it also means you either
need to post that code to a CF-specific newsgroup or you need to first
create a code example that works on the desktop.