linking to SQL and unique record identifier

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Hi, new to access - running acc2002.
I've been asked to link to an external SQL db a 3rd party provider have
done. I've set up the ODBC link and it works correctly.
I've been given a visio table showing all the tables.
I'm linking to that db and am being asked by Access what the unique
identifier for that table is. On the visio table mentioned above I have all
the tables.
1) Some of these tables have a field in bold in a box at the top of table
and no other fields in bold - I presume this is the unique identifier?
2) Some of these tables have a field in bold in a box at the top of table
and some other fields in bold - do I select all the fields in bold or just
the top one?
3) Some tables have nothing in the box at the top (under the table title
box) and several fields in bold - do I select all the fields in bold?
4) Some tables have nothing in the box at the top (under the table title
box) and only one field in bold - do I select the field in bold?
Apologies if there is not enough info here but can anyone help me on this?
I can supply further details if necessary.
Answers Inline.
Joe Fallon
Access MVP
1) Some of these tables have a field in bold in a box at the top of table
and no other fields in bold - I presume this is the unique identifier?
Yes. It is the PK of the table. As such when you link it should "just work"
and you should not be prompted to enter a Unique Record identifier. (That
prompt usually occurs when Access can't figure out the PK.)
2) Some of these tables have a field in bold in a box at the top of table
and some other fields in bold - do I select all the fields in bold or just
the top one?
If there is more than 1 PK field then select them all.
(Verify by examining the table structure in Enterprise Manager table design
3) Some tables have nothing in the box at the top (under the table title
box) and several fields in bold - do I select all the fields in bold?
Not sure why other fields would be in bold if they are nto PK fields.
So NO. Review sample data and determine the combination of fields that
uniquely identify a record and then choose them.
4) Some tables have nothing in the box at the top (under the table title
box) and only one field in bold - do I select the field in bold?
NO. See above.