Here's what I would suggest:
1) Create your boilerplate presentation with all the information being the way it is.
Include in that presentation a slide that is chart layout.
2) Go File->Save As. Give the file a name, like "Kevin's Presentation." Make sure you save the file type as a template. Include in that file a slide that is Chart Layout. Remember, PowerPoint's chart functionality includes a table where you can enter in the data that underlies the chart.
3) When you want to use your template, go File->New. If you use 2000 or older, you'll get a window asking which template you want to use. You can choose "Kevin's Presentation" from the "General" tab. If you use a newer version of Office, then you click File->New. The task pane will show up on the right. You click "General Templates," and then choose "Kevin's Presentation" from "General."
4) Start modifying any necessary content in your presentation.
Geoff Lilley
(e-mail address removed)
MCDST, Microsoft Office Master Instructor (XP/2000),
Microsoft Office Specialist Master (XP/2000)