Linking to Excel

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Can anyone advise how I can link to an existing Excel file
and to a specific TAB within that file. I know how to
link from Powerpoint to Excel but am unsure how to link to
a specific tab within the file itself. Thank you.
Can anyone advise how I can link to an existing Excel file
and to a specific TAB within that file. I know how to
link from Powerpoint to Excel but am unsure how to link to
a specific tab within the file itself. Thank you.

Open the file in Excel, move to the sheet you want to work with.
Select the content you want to link to, choose Edit, Copy.

Switch to PPT, choose Edit, Paste Special, Link and click OK.

That should do it for you.
Thanks for the information. I also was able to determine
that the way you would type in a link is as follows:

C:filename.xls#'tab name'!A1

A1 is the cell that you want to go to initially. You do
need the single quotes and !.

Thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
Your response is a clue to a problem I am trying to solve.

You said you manually typed in the path to a link?
Where can I do that within PowerPoint?

I want to manually edit existing links in my .ppt. The "Change Source"
feature is not smart enough to allow me to choose a tab or chart
within a spreadsheet.

Thanks for the information. I also was able to determine
that the way you would type in a link is as follows:

C:filename.xls#'tab name'!A1

A1 is the cell that you want to go to initially. You do
need the single quotes and !.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the information. I also was able to determine
that the way you would type in a link is as follows:

C:filename.xls#'tab name'!A1

A1 is the cell that you want to go to initially. You do
need the single quotes and !.

Yes - and sorry for misunderstanding what you were actually after. But you got
there just the same ... nice work!

Thanks again.
-----Original Message-----

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA
Thanks Steve.
Ok, I read about the VBA code that can be used to ask the user (me) to
choose a new link source. Of course, every answer creates 3 new
questions. So...

1) Where in PP do insert this code?

2) What triggers the code being run?

3) Having once been a systems programmer it looks to me like this code
does not allow me to point to specific object such as a chart within a
spreadsheet. Instead, the code looks like it lets me simply choose a
file (it returns the path to the file). But this is exactly what the
"Change Source" feature in the "Edit Links" dialog does.

Geoff Coco
(e-mail address removed)
Ok, I read about the VBA code that can be used to ask the user (me) to
choose a new link source. Of course, every answer creates 3 new
questions. So...

1) Where in PP do insert this code?

How do I USE this VBA stuff in PowerPoint?
2) What triggers the code being run?

That can happen in several ways. For starters, add the code to a copy of the
presentation you're working with as described in the link above. Then select
the linked object and press Alt+F8 or choose Tools, Macros, Macros then select
and run EditLink.
3) Having once been a systems programmer it looks to me like this code
does not allow me to point to specific object such as a chart within a
spreadsheet. Instead, the code looks like it lets me simply choose a
file (it returns the path to the file). But this is exactly what the
"Change Source" feature in the "Edit Links" dialog does.

It does allow you to point to a specific object, but there are indeed a couple
problems with it if you're using it to edit links to specific spreadsheet
ranges. This version works for that. Watch for linebreaks ( or revisit the
same link as before - I've updated it with this code):

Sub EditLink()

Dim sLinkSource As String
Dim sOriginalLinkSource As String

If ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Count <> 1 Then
MsgBox ("Please select one and only one shape, then try again.")
Exit Sub
End If

With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
'MsgBox .LinkFormat.SourceFullName
sOriginalLinkSource = .LinkFormat.SourceFullName
sLinkSource = InputBox("Edit the link", "Link Editor",

If sLinkSource = sOriginalLinkSource Then
Exit Sub
End If
If sLinkSource = "" Then
' The user canceled; quit:
Exit Sub
End If

' Get the filename portion of the link in case it's a link to a range
Debug.Print Mid$(sLinkSource, 1, InStr(sLinkSource, ".") + 3)

' Is it a valid filename? Is the file where it belongs?
' Test against the filename portion of the link in case the link
' range information
If Dir$(Mid$(sLinkSource, 1, InStr(sLinkSource, ".") + 3)) <> "" Then
.LinkFormat.SourceFullName = sLinkSource
MsgBox "Can't find " & sLinkSource
End If

End With

End Sub

Geoff Coco
(e-mail address removed)

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA