I have two tables linked on a field ItemCode.
One is the ItemMaster and the other is POLines. I would
like user to look up item description on PO and Access to
update the ItemCode field in POLines. I have POLines
Desc. field using a combo box with lookup to ItemMaster
description - so user can search on desc. When user
picks Item to order (by description) can I have Access
update the Itemcode field in POLines based on ItemMaster?
Any help is appreciated. So far I can't get this to
work - tried using a query to solve as well.
One is the ItemMaster and the other is POLines. I would
like user to look up item description on PO and Access to
update the ItemCode field in POLines. I have POLines
Desc. field using a combo box with lookup to ItemMaster
description - so user can search on desc. When user
picks Item to order (by description) can I have Access
update the Itemcode field in POLines based on ItemMaster?
Any help is appreciated. So far I can't get this to
work - tried using a query to solve as well.