Linking subforms

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I am sorry if similar questions have been asked by others but my
understanding of subforms isn't good enough to apply other answers to my

Essentially I have two problems. My situation is that I have a form with 4
tabs. Two of these are just straightforward tabs which have certain fields
that must be completed. Originally I only had two tabs and then you would
click on a button to open a different form. Before opening it qould test that
the key fields had been completed and then open the form. I have now added
this to the original form as a subform for the third tab. I suspect it may be
rather obvious but I don't know how to apply the same logic so that I cannot
switch to this tab until the key fields in the previous two tabs have been

My second problem has to do with my understanding of how subforms link I
think. My fourth tab is also a linked subform. When I have data in the first
two tabs this form is visible but when there is not data this form is not
visible. Why might this happen with this subform but not with the subform on
the third tab which is currently always visible regardless of the data?

I hope this is clear but if it's too abstract please let me know.

Many thanks
Regarding problem #2...

In my experience, if a form (or subform) is bound to an null set
(query/table with no data) it will not show unless its DataEntry property =
Yes. If your application can cope with setting this to Yes, this may be the
solution. Especially if you have a navigation bar allowing the user to
select from existing records and add additional records. My applications
don't use the navigation bar, and I either have the user make this
determination beforehand or test for a null set in the form's open (or load)
action and, based on a test I perform there, I set DataEntry=Yes if I find a
null set otherwise set it to No.

Hope this helps (or even makes sense).

Bob (@Martureo.Org)