Generally, when you are trying to identify courses that students are
assigned to, you will need a few more tables:
1. tbl_Students - this should just contain info that is specific to the
student. Fields include StudentID, DOB, First_Name, Last_Name, ...
2. tbl_Courses - this should contain CourseID, course number, titles, ...
3. tbl_Course_Offerings - this would indicate details about specific course
offerings. Fields should include Course_Offering_ID, Course number, academic
year, semester, building, room, teacher, ...
4. tbl_Student_Courses - this table would probably contain StudentID,
CourseOfferingID, Grade
Once you have that type of structure, you can create a form
(frm_Student_Courses) that is based off of a query that joins tbl_Students to
tbl_Student_Courses, tbl_Student_Courses to tbl_Course_Offerings, and
tbl_Course_Offerings to tbl_Courses. This query would probably contain
fields like StudentID, CourseOfferingID, AcademicYear, Semester, CourseName,
and maybe Grade.
Once you have that form working, you can add it as a subform to your
frm_Students, and link the two on StudentID. Then, as you move from one
student to another, you will see the courses that that student has taken in
the subform.