linking outlook calendar to access database form

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is it possible to link you outlook calendar to an access database form if so
how do you do it. I want to be able to enter a date on the form have show on
my calendar so when the date pops up an alert shows up on my calendar that I
have something to do on this date from access form...
is this possible to do and how do you do it?
Ï KAT said:
is it possible to link you outlook calendar to an access database form if so
how do you do it. I want to be able to enter a date on the form have show on
my calendar so when the date pops up an alert shows up on my calendar that I
have something to do on this date from access form...
is this possible to do and how do you do it?
KAT said:
is it possible to link you outlook calendar to an access database form if so
how do you do it. I want to be able to enter a date on the form have show on
my calendar so when the date pops up an alert shows up on my calendar that I
have something to do on this date from access form...
is this possible to do and how do you do it?

Yes it is possible. You control Outlook through COM (formerly OLE)
Automation. You need to set a reference in your Project to Outlook. Here is
a sample code snippet to set an appointment reminder:

Public Sub addAppointment(strID As String, strName As String, strPhone As
String, strContact As String, Optional varMinutes As Variant, Optional
strMessage As Variant)

On Error GoTo Error_addAppointment

Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objAppointment As AppointmentItem
Dim boolLaunched As Boolean

On Error Resume Next

Set objOutlook = GetObject(Class:="Outlook.Application")

If err.Number Then
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
boolLaunched = True
End If

On Error GoTo Error_addAppointment

If IsMissing(varMinutes) Then
varMinutes = 0
End If

If Not objOutlook Is Nothing Then
Set objAppointment = objOutlook.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)

With objAppointment
.Subject = "Cust " & strID & " - " & strName & ", " &
Format(strPhone, "(###) ###-####") & " " & strContact
.Duration = 5
.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = varMinutes
.ReminderSet = True
'.Start = DateAdd("n", inttime + 5, Now())
'inttime = inttime + 5

If Not IsMissing(strMessage) Then
.Body = strmessage
End If

.Display True ' Display modal form
End With
End If

Set objAppointment = Nothing
Set objOutlook = Nothing

Exit Sub

msgbox error, vbCritical, "Error " & err & " - addAppointment"
Resume Exit_addAppointment
End Sub