Linking or 'built in' images



I use images as buttons in application, and notice that the size of the
application increases when I use
'built in' images.
Will linked images reduce the speed of the application (data in backend), or
is it irrelevant?



Hi reidarT

Access is pretty poor when it comes to handling images.
You can store them in a variety of ways - all of which have their own

1. OLE objects. These are stored in your table and greatly increase the size
of your db (we call this "bloat"). Access has a max limit of 2gb - so Images
can easily eat into this

2. Linked. You store the path of the image file in a table and store the
image itself on a shared drive. Much smaller db. Downside is that the files
are external and you'll need error handling incase someone edits
one/moves/deletes one. Also, the speed of the picture showing in your db is
controlled by the network speed too.

3. BLOBs. Binary Long OBjects. These are difficult to get to grips with, and
I would suggest that the 2nd method is probably the best for your needs.

Hope that this helps


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