Linking HELP!!!!!!!!!!



I am trying (I think) to link two worksheets. I have a
worksheet that I input sales each day. There may be
several sales for the same date (ex: May 18). I then add
the total for each day and input it into my summary
worksheet, which has a spot to record the total for each
individual day's sales. I want to set it up so that I can
use a feature that will find all the sales for a given
date (ex: May 18), total the sales, and automatically
transfer the total to the correct cell in the summary
worksheet. Please HELP!! I have tried several ways,
including using an IF statement. When I use the IF, I
keep getting the #VALUE! error, and I cannot locate the
problem. Thank you. Lisa - (e-mail address removed).


You may want ot consider using the =sumif() function to
save you some efforts. The =sumif() function has three
parts - the comparison range, the criteria and the data.

For example: =sumif(Sheet2!A1:A1200,Sheet1!a1,Sheet2!
B1:B1200) where "Sheet2!A1:A1200" is the dates within you
list, "Sheet1!a1" is the date you wish to summarize
and "Sheet2!B1:B1200" is the sales you wish to summarize.

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