Linking formulas between worksheets - but not the specific cell values



I have 7 worksheets. They all have the same equations, but th
equations have to collect the values from its own worksheet. I want t
link the the formulas to a master formula sheet, but when the formul
references a cell, I want the cell value the formula uses to be on th
current sheet, not the master formula sheet. Do I make sense?
Thanks for any help, and feel free to ask questions if I am not clear

Frank Kabel

at least I don't understand your requirements :) You may provide the
following information:
- What formula are you using
- give us an example (in plain text / no attachment)
- What do you mean with 'linking'


A.W.J. Ales


This (as far as I know) can only be done by Vis Basic.

An other possibility might be easy with a minimal handwork

Suppose you want a formula in A4 =A1+A2 in all your sheets.

Just (group)select all your sheet (select the first and then the other
sheets while you keep Cntrl pressed).
Then just enter your formula in cell A4 =A1+A2 (you can do by typing
but also by pointing and clicking).

The formula is now entered on all sheets, whereby each sheet refers the
cells on its own sheet.
This works as long as no cells on another sheet are referenced ( by
inputting a formula in sheet1 which refers to a cell on sheet2, the formula
in all sheets refers to that cell on sheet2).

Don't forget to "ungroup" the sheets, cause as long as you haven't done
that, all actions will take place on all sheets together.

Auk Ales

* Please reply to this newsgroup only *
* I will not react on unsolicited e-mails *


I'm not sure I understand what you're doing, but it
sounds like you want to add cell D9 in Sheet1-Sheet5 and
put the result in Master. If that's the case, on the
Master sheet enter 'sum(Sheet1:Sheet5!D9). Of course,
you'll need to modify this for your real names and cells.
This does assume that sheet1 and sheet5 are the 1st and
last sheets that you want to include. It will include all
sheets between them, inclusively.

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