Linking Formula

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don S
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Don S

I have a workbook with multiple data sheets. Each data sheet has a sum total
in cell B4. I created a summary sheet to pull all the totals into it. I
entered the following linking formula: ='(1)'!$B$4, now I want to drag this
formula down and have it automatically change to the next sheet. For example
='(2)'!$B$4, ='(3)'!$B$4, ='(4)'!$B$4 and so on… Is this possible?
In A1 of summary sheet.


Copy down.

Assumes your sheets are named 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.

If named Sheet1, Sheet2 etc.

=INDIRECT("Sheet" & (ROW()) & "!B4")

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP