linking form and subform


Dennis Villareal

i had it working once but i have no clue what i did and can't duplicate it.

i have a form and subform and i want to lik them together. i guess i have
two questions here.

1-how do i link the forms together so when i select the data on one it
automaticly fills in the other subform data. two of the fields are the same
unique numbers.

2- can i get the data that is automaticly displayed to enter into the table
where the data is getting stored?

so i have a tbl that i am entering info in through the form
i have queries pulling the data from my system at work from the database
i have them as combo box to list all the possible data.
i have a order number if the order number is selected then i would like all
the other information to be displayed based on the queries and put into my
table and saved. so i can then build reports on the data in the table.

is there somewhere you can point me to the right direction?

Dennis Villareal

i have been reading about Cascading Combo box. is there a way to use this to
get what i need?

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