Linking files where end-product will be on CD



I have to archive media clippings for my company. I have a list with
hyperlinks to the source files (JPG's, PDF's, ZIP's etc.)

I have different folders for all the source files (according to date) and
want the end-user to have access to those files with a simple click in Excel.

The end-product will be on a CD. As I don't know what their CD drive letter
will be, how can I be certain that the link will guide them to the
corresponding file?

Thank you in advance

David Biddulph

Is your hyperlink to a relative address, or an absolute address? If it is
a relative address, then you should be OK if all your files are being copied
onto the same CD with the same relative folder structure as you've got where
you're creating them.


Yip, that gives me peace of mind. Thank you.

David Biddulph said:
Is your hyperlink to a relative address, or an absolute address? If it is
a relative address, then you should be OK if all your files are being copied
onto the same CD with the same relative folder structure as you've got where
you're creating them.

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