linking (?) fields from one worksheet to another?



Hi all-
didn't know exactly what to call this, so my apologies if this has been
covered before.

Here's what I want to do:

1) my company has Excel Sales Orders with many different fields --
dates, dollars, contacts, etc.

2) at the end of the week certain information form the Sales Orders
needs to be transferred to an Excel Summary Sheet -- rows and columns
set up. This is currently a cut and paste operation.

My question is: can I reformat our existing Sales Orders (and Summary
Sheet I imagine) so that once the required information is entered into
the Sales Orders and then the Summary Sheet is opened, the Summary
Sheet will update and populate automatically with the information from
the Sales Order?

Thanks in advance for any help/advice!


Hi Kateapotomous

i am not an expert but as per as my understanding you want to call data from
another Excell file or worksheet to an seperate sheet or file. Am i correct?

open your summery sheet, select the cell where data from Sales Orders sheet
will show press F2 and put '=' (without quote) and after that select the cell
from Sales Orders sheet and press "Enter". Data from that sheet will be shown

when you chage in the Sales Orders sheet the summary sheet will be updated
automatically. Am i able to solve ur problem?



The answer is yes, you can. It can be done both with formulas and with
VBA. It can be done when the summary sheet opens or in the background,
whenever new records are entered.

If you become more specific you might get some solutions quickly.

Kostis Vezerides


Hi Rajat!
thank you so much for your reply-- I knew this could be done more
efficiently! I will try it when I get into work on Monday and let you
know what the results are.

Thanks again!

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