At design-time you can set the 'RowSource' property of the listbox in the
properites window of the listbox to a named range of the Workbook. Or you
can do the same at runtime using the listbox's RowSource property, eg.,
Form1.Listbox1.RowSource = "MyRange"
Or, define and name the range at runtime, eg.,
Range("A1:A10").Name = "MyRange"
Form1.Listbox1.RowSource = "MyRange"
Or, if you pefer not to name the range (naming the range results in the
workbook containing that named range), you can just define the range and
fill the listbox item by item, eg.,
Dim cell As Range
For each cell in Range("A1:A10")
Form1.Listbox1.AddItem (cell.Value)
Next cell