linking an Access DB to a web page



hello everyone.

i want to know how can i link an Access db to a web page, where i can
filter the contents of the table.

i.e., i have an access db with a list of files i have, and the fields
are respective to each file are name, date, size, type and path (the
link to where the file is). i want to know how i can, through a web
page, filter the file list by each one of its fields so i can get to
the file i need without having to use a search engine.

thanks everyone!

'69 Camaro

Hi, Ember.
i want to know how can i link an Access db to a web page, where i can
filter the contents of the table.

Access can't link to data sources using HTTP or FTP protocols. You can,
however, save the Web page to your hard drive, then link to this HTML page
as a data source. The data won't be dynamic, but you'll be able to sort,
filter, and query the static data within Access. If the Web page changes a
lot, you'll need to redownload the Web page to your hard drive to get the
latest data.


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about the data not being dynamic, i was already aware of that. the web
page is being created with an intranet purpose, so, i suppose that if
both the page and the database are stored together, they will be able
to interact. however my doubt is about linking them together and filter
the data, i don't know what is the process to achieve that. the
database has only one table, with the fields i've mentioned above. i
also have an excel table with the same data. it is most unlikely that
the db will suffer any modifications, so as for it being static data,
there's no problem.

thanks again!

'69 Camaro

Hi, Ember.
i suppose that if
both the page and the database are stored together, they will be able
to interact. however my doubt is about linking them together and filter
the data, i don't know what is the process to achieve that.

If the Access database is on the same network as the Web page, then it's a
simple matter to link to HTML file via the Link Table Manager. Is that the
help you need, or do you need help with sorting and filtering the data via
queries once Access has made the link?


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See for Microsoft Access tips and tutorials. for contact


well, the main question is about sorting and filtering the data.
however, i've been trying to link it to the web page, but i can't seem
to figure it out. should i do it through access or through frontpage
(the html editor i've been using)? i have to incorporate the results in
a pre-defined stylesheet. the help documents of frontpage tell me to
use a wizard for databases that is incorporated on the frontpage menu,
but the button is unavailable.


'69 Camaro

Hi, Ember.
however, i've been trying to link it to the web page, but i can't seem
to figure it out. should i do it through access or through frontpage
(the html editor i've been using)?

It depends upon which one you want to do the sorting and filtering. Access
is certainly capable of this, but I think you'll have to build separate Web
pages in FrontPage if you want different sorts and filters.

You mentioned that the same data is also in an Excel spreadsheet. Access
can link to an Excel spreadsheet, as well as to an HTML page, so if you have
trouble with the HTML page, then the spreadsheet is an option, too. Do you
need step-by-step instructions on using the Access's Link Table Manager?
the help documents of frontpage tell me to
use a wizard for databases that is incorporated on the frontpage menu,
but the button is unavailable.

Sorry. I haven't played with FrontPage in years. I recommend posting
questions about that in the FrontPage newsgroups.


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips and tutorials. for contact

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