Dear LOgle:
One thing at a time, and slowly, please!
The Demographics table and the Pt Information table have what column(s) in
common? I recommend you TEST the relationship with some scratch queries.
Based on the relationship you BELIEVE exists, are there rows in the
Demographics table that are for a Point (is that what the relationship is
about) that is NOT in the Pt Information table? I would check this out
before trying to create a relationship that may not exist. Use LEFT and
RIGHT JOINs to determine whether there are missing relationships. Observe
this and work out how to fix it, if possible.
With work like this, if you do not identify the requirements and test the
data one step at a time, you'll leap forward to a point where failure may
indicate any one of a large number of possibilities. The work needs to be
done in small steps so that failure indicates only one or a very small
number of possible sources of problems, so you can isolate and defeat them
one at a time. This doesn't have to take a great deal of time and, in any
case, almost always takes less time and effort than taking a big step and
getting confused and discouraged.
Work on the problem one relationship at a time. Slow and systematic wins
the day. Identify your assumptions and test each one carefully before
proceeding. When you bring in external data, be very suspect.
Tom Ellison
[quoted text clipped - 31 lines]
fields I mentioned are the only ones they have in common. Thanks!!