Linkedcell protection problem

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Hi. I am new to Excel (and discussion groups!). I am wondering if someone
knows how I can fix this problem. I have a combobox that uses the linkedcell
property to put a value into another cell. I am protecting the entire sheet
except the combobox. The problem is that this protection is stopping the
combobox from putting the value into the other cell. Any idea how I can get
the value from the combobox to go into another cell and yet still protect the
cell from users editting it?
Karin - try this if I understand your dilema. I dont know what Excel you
are using but in general try this:

1) tools/protection/unprotect sheet

2)select all the cells in your sheet and then format/cells/protection -
uncheck "locked" and when box is unchecked click OK.

3) select your destination cells that you want to protect and then
format/cells/protection - then check "locked" then OK.

4) tools/protection/protect sheet

I don't believe that the user can modify the destination cells now.

Good luck Jim Bray
Thanks for the reply. I am using Excel 2003 and unfortunately your suggestion
doesn't do what I am needing. I have the whole sheet protected except for the
combo box. I want the user to be able to select an item from the combo box
and have that item appear in a different cell on the same sheet. I am using
the linkedcell property of the combobox to accomplish this. When the sheet is
protected, Excel won't put the item in the destination cell. If I unprotect
the destination cell, the item will appear in the destination cell, but this
will also allow the user to overwrite what was put in the destination cell. I
want Excel to put the value in that cell, but not allow a user to change it.
Does that explain better what I am trying to do?