I am designing a db with a FE and BE for a my brother's company. They are
based in South Africa and i am in Qatar.
I have completed the db and now want to zip and send them this. The BE will
go on the server and FE copies on all the user's machines.
My questions are:
1 - If I link the FE to the BE on my PC in Qatar and email them the zipped
folder, would the FE and BE still be linked if they placed the BE on the
server and copies of the FE's on different machines or will the Link Table
Manager Box have to be tun again?
2 - Also, how does one (as a developer) normally deploy a db remotely.
Surely i cant ask this client to run the Linked Table Manager?
3 - Lastly, is there code that i can write and bind to a form that can Link
a FE to a BE? - e.g:
What i was thinking of doing is writing code and linking it to a form as such:
- cmdBrowse (This would open a 'Open File Dialog Box' and the user would
browse to where the BE is saved and select it and click OK which will place
the directory in the following field:
- txtFileName;
- cmdOK, (Once this is clicked the BE and FE link)
- cmdCancel,
Am i overcomplicating it - Im sure there's probably a straight forward
question like a simple macro to run the Link Table Manager...
I am designing a db with a FE and BE for a my brother's company. They are
based in South Africa and i am in Qatar.
I have completed the db and now want to zip and send them this. The BE will
go on the server and FE copies on all the user's machines.
My questions are:
1 - If I link the FE to the BE on my PC in Qatar and email them the zipped
folder, would the FE and BE still be linked if they placed the BE on the
server and copies of the FE's on different machines or will the Link Table
Manager Box have to be tun again?
2 - Also, how does one (as a developer) normally deploy a db remotely.
Surely i cant ask this client to run the Linked Table Manager?
3 - Lastly, is there code that i can write and bind to a form that can Link
a FE to a BE? - e.g:
What i was thinking of doing is writing code and linking it to a form as such:
- cmdBrowse (This would open a 'Open File Dialog Box' and the user would
browse to where the BE is saved and select it and click OK which will place
the directory in the following field:
- txtFileName;
- cmdOK, (Once this is clicked the BE and FE link)
- cmdCancel,
Am i overcomplicating it - Im sure there's probably a straight forward
question like a simple macro to run the Link Table Manager...