Linked Images missing in PP2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom
  • Start date Start date


When I move from 2003 to 2007 some of my linked images fail to show up. I get
a red X. The images that do not show up have a space in the file name. Can I
change the link name so that these images will be found?

Does this mean that spaces are not valid in a PowerPoint 2007 link file name?

So I would have to use code similar to your reference to change all the
linked names to remove spaces and also change all the file names to remove

This seems to work but I've only run it against one file.

Public Sub FixFileLinks()
Dim Logger As Integer
Logger = FreeFile
Open "Logger.txt" For Append As Logger
Dim SL As Slide
Dim SlideCount As Integer
Dim LinkCount As Integer
Dim LinksFixed As Integer
SlideCount = 0
LinkCount = 0
LinksFixed = 0
For Each SL In ActivePresentation.Slides
Dim SP As Shape
For Each SP In SL.Shapes
If (SP.Type = msoLinkedPicture) Then
LinkCount = LinkCount + 1
With SP

If InStr(1, .LinkFormat.SourceFullName, " ") > 0 Then
LinksFixed = LinksFixed + 1
Dim NewName As String
Dim OldName As String
OldName = .LinkFormat.SourceFullName
NewName = .LinkFormat.SourceFullName
NewName = Replace(NewName, " ", "_", 1)
Write #Logger, " OldName " & OldName
Write #Logger, " NewName " & NewName
Write #Logger, " ========="
Name OldName As NewName
.LinkFormat.SourceFullName = NewName
End If
End With
End If
Next SP
SlideCount = SlideCount + 1
Next SL
Write #Logger, " Slide count " & SlideCount
Write #Logger, " Link Count " & LinkCount
Write #Logger, " Links Fixed " & LinksFixed
Close Logfile
End Sub