Linked databases

  • Thread starter Thread starter ctarver
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I am using Access 2000 XP. I have my datatbase filters
controled with a Form, and when I try to link a Word doc.
to a given Query, then the system wants to open Access all
over again. The problem is that the form in the newly
opened database is empty. This causes a problem, because
now there are is no info to filter and I get an error. In
some cases it does this and others it does not. Also it
does not recognize the Query if it has this criteria in
the filter area. This is to filter info between certain
Between [forms]![frmConformation]![txtbd] And [forms]!
This is a know bug/problem. There is a workaround at:

However, as a general rule, I don't allow the word doc to attach to the
database, but instead use a intermediate text file. That way, problems like
security, and the launching of a 2nd word doc is eliminated.

I have a working sample that lets you select what template to use, and you
can even pass the your query to my example if you want. Check out my sample:

Either of the above should get you on your way...