Here's what I want to do...
Sheet 1: Summary of Sheets 2 - 12.
Sheet 2 - 12: Set of assessment data for a class of children - each sheet a
different subject, but all sheets identical in every other way (except, of
course, for assessments recorded in the boxes).
The rough look of sheets 2 onwards is as follows:
Christian Name. Surname. Group/Set. Average Mark. Unit 1.
Unit 2...
Joe. Bloggs. 1 =AVERAGE(B5:B23) 2.
So, as you can see, the 4th column shows the average score so far, based on
how many units have been completed.
On sheet 1, I want to create a summary for the class, so that is shows all
the average scores so far for all subjects (ie the 4th column from sheets
It will look something like:
Christian Name. Surname. Maths. English. Science...
My question is, how can I set this up so that it will automatically provide
me with the correct information.
I want to type the names into sheet 1, but then have all the other sheets
referring to the typed names, so that IF another child joins my class during
the year, and I update sheet 1 (eg automatically by surname...), all the
other sheets will also include this updated list AND ORDER, maintaining the
relevant assessment data in the 'Unit' columns...
I can't decide if this will work, and if so, HOW to do it... any suggestions
greatly appreciated!!!
Ta loads,
Here's what I want to do...
Sheet 1: Summary of Sheets 2 - 12.
Sheet 2 - 12: Set of assessment data for a class of children - each sheet a
different subject, but all sheets identical in every other way (except, of
course, for assessments recorded in the boxes).
The rough look of sheets 2 onwards is as follows:
Christian Name. Surname. Group/Set. Average Mark. Unit 1.
Unit 2...
Joe. Bloggs. 1 =AVERAGE(B5:B23) 2.
So, as you can see, the 4th column shows the average score so far, based on
how many units have been completed.
On sheet 1, I want to create a summary for the class, so that is shows all
the average scores so far for all subjects (ie the 4th column from sheets
It will look something like:
Christian Name. Surname. Maths. English. Science...
My question is, how can I set this up so that it will automatically provide
me with the correct information.
I want to type the names into sheet 1, but then have all the other sheets
referring to the typed names, so that IF another child joins my class during
the year, and I update sheet 1 (eg automatically by surname...), all the
other sheets will also include this updated list AND ORDER, maintaining the
relevant assessment data in the 'Unit' columns...
I can't decide if this will work, and if so, HOW to do it... any suggestions
greatly appreciated!!!
Ta loads,