Link to text file can't find data

  • Thread starter Thread starter Charles P. \(Pat\) Upshaw
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Charles P. \(Pat\) Upshaw

I've linked an Access 97 database to a text file of 4GB. The linking
specification seems to work fine but it returns no data. I can see the data
when setting up the spec.

Please help.

Charles P. (Pat) Upshaw
Hi Charles,

Access isn't really designed to handle files of this size. But when you
say "it returns no data" do you mean that, or that it returns no data
before you get tired of waiting for it? The textfile driver can be very
slow with a big file.

I suggest you use textfile tools (e.g. Perl and the Windows ports of the
Gnu textutils downloadable from to
extract the data you really need from the 4GB file (or to normalise it:
most big files seem not to be normalised) and give Access something
smaller to chew on.